
Keeping Wasps Away from Your Picnic: Outdoor Dining Strategies

We like to have picnics and eat outside when the weather is nice, but wasps can quickly turn a nice meal into a buzzing nightmare. Taking smart steps to keep wasps away is important if you want to enjoy eating outside without getting stung. Here is a guide to help you enjoy your lunch without these pesky birds bothering you.

1. Pick the Right Place: A Place Without Wasps

Avoid Places With Lots Of Wasps: When choosing a place for your picnic, stay away from places with lots of wasps, like near trash cans or growing plants.

Protect food and drinks from the weather: Keeping the Spread Safe

Cover Dishes: Use cloth food covers to keep curious wasps away from your dishes while still making it easy for people to get to them.

3. Choose foods that naturally keep wasps away.

Citrus and mint: Citrus fruits like orange and lemon should be on your menu, and you might want to put mint leaves around the picnic area to keep wasps away.

4. Set up wasp traps in a planned way: Getting them to leave

Placement: Put wasp traps around the outside of your lunch area to attract and catch wasps, keeping them away from your group.

Natural Attractants: To make the traps work better, use sweet, appealing substances in them.

5. Sealed trash cans: Keep wasps from looking for food

Tightly Closed Bins: Make sure the lids on your trash cans are tight so that wasps can’t get to the food you’re throwing away.

6. Plants that keep wasps away: Nature’s Defence

Basil and Marigolds: Putting basil and marigolds around your picnic spot can keep bugs away naturally.

7. Decor that doesn’t blow away: Lessen your temptation

Avoid Balloons and Sweet Decorations: Wasps may be drawn to balloons and flowers that smell sweet. Choose art that doesn’t smell and can stand up to wind.

8. Move away from nests: preventative steps

Early Inspection: Check the area before the lunch to find and stay away from wasp nests that are already there.

9. Teach Picnickers: Beware of Wasps

Instruct Attendees: *Tell other picnickers about the wasps and give them advice on how to stay away from them.

10. Do-It-Yourself Natural Wasp Repellent Sprays

Lemon and Clove Spray: Mix lemon juice and cloves to make a natural spray. Spray this around your picnic spot to keep people away naturally.

11. Be ready with an emergency wasp sting kit

First Aid Needs: Bring a small first aid kit with you so you can treat wasp stings right away.

12. Quickly Clear Up: Lessen Attraction

Clean Up Quickly: Throw away the trash and food right away after the picnic to get rid of smells that could bring wasps.

13. Clothes that keep wasps away: Dress well

Avoid Bright Colours: *Bright colours make wasps more likely to attack, so wear neutral colours instead.

14. Choose the right time for your picnic: early or late

Did you know that wasps are less active in the early morning or late afternoon? If so, plan your lunch for those times.

Overall, these smart steps can help you have a wasp-free lunch that you’ve carefully planned. By picking the right spot, covering food, setting up wasp traps, and using natural deterrents, you can make the area less appealing to these busy guests. Whether you’re having a simple family picnic or a more complicated outdoor feast, these tips will help you focus on the delicious food and not on staying away from wasps.